Jesus Freak: Overdone; Far From Being Outdone.

1962664_10202907183906958_850207938668940473_nIt’s been nearly twenty years since I first heard this album.

Although the song ‘Jesus Freak’ is overdone, something a quick YouTube search verifies, the importance and gravitas of the album is far from having yet been outdone.

Today, in a random shuffle through a scattering of cd’s left on the floor of my car, I rediscovered it and then introduced my kids to a revolution.

From start to finish the lyrical relevance of this album is pertinent. Reaching far beyond the issues that helped make the ’95 release so popular.

Pioneered by bands such as Petra, Stryper, Barry McGuire, Keith Green and numerous others. DC Talk broke through the false dichotomy between the secular and the sacred, as they moved away from comfort zones and stepped into spotlights often hostile to Christianity.

As a band, DC Talk redefined what it meant for Christians to participate within a ”secular” arena in the mid 1990s.

Toby Mac, Michael Tait and Kevin Max, were able to voice an ancient perspective about Christianity and art. Consequently, they sparked a new breed of Christian musician, one respected for the concern they showed towards the quality of their art and the delivery of the message that inspired it.

Utilising a finely produced full sound, featuring a mix of grunge, rap, and rock rhythms, Jesus Freak shattered the kitsch that so often plagues ”Contemporary Christian Music”.

In consideration of the issues we are facing as a global community today, this album is a revolution worth revisiting.


3 thoughts on “Jesus Freak: Overdone; Far From Being Outdone.

  1. art & life notes says:

    Agreed bro! That’s a great album. I loved it, and, for a couple of my kids it also happened to become their intro to popular music, and a great standard and alternative to the stuff they would be hearing in our (at the time) inner-city environment.


    1. Rod Lampard says:

      Just fresh out of high school, the album had a huge impact of my choices, mindset etc.. (and that of my friends) something I’m grateful for, so I relate to that a bit. I always appreciate your comments mate. God Bless.



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