Australian writer. Bachelor of Ministry & Theology grad – via Tabor Adelaide; husband, father to five, &  homeschooling veteran.

CV: 14 years in the retail industry, 12 years in Christian Retail @; 11 years frontline management. Some Christian Community radio.

I’ve been writing for Caldron Pool  since late 2018, and have had my work published by The Spectator Australia , and Eternity News. I also spent 2-years writing a weekly article for Dads 4 Kids.

Alongside my volunteer commitment to Caldron Pool, I am a weekly columnist/contributor at the Canberra Declaration.

Contact: rodlampard.freelance at 

Please consider supporting me & my work by donating via PayPal here.

Jesus is Victor!

Dive Deeper.

– Rod.

©Rod Lampard, 2024

24 thoughts on “About Rod

  1. Diane Styles says:

    Hello Rod. I’m wondering if you can assist me. I’ve tried to get this vital Rumble interview between Dr Bryan Ardis and the Rumble founder sent to Caldron Pool, but the site won’t send the link through. Can you possibly email it to someone at CP and ask them to take note of it? It’s only been posted in the last few days. It is a mind-blowing scientific expose of the source of Covid and everyone on the earth should know about it. This HAS to get out! Thank you so much.


  2. Peter Forde says:

    (Note my new website is under construction)
    Hello Rod,
    Some time back you wrote that four lawsuits against mandatory jabs were being heard ‘as one’.
    I am aware that Tony Nicolic’s case was dismissed.
    Do you have any info/updates regarding the current state of any similar cases?
    Courtesy of the mainstream media, we the public are obviously only hearing about the ‘wins’ for the forces of evil.
    Kind regards,
    Peter Forde


    1. Rod Lampard says:

      As far as I’m aware, most were thrown out. I do know one case – the police officer – was sealed. She won, but was told not to give out why. Vague on the actual details; it was a while back now.


  3. gary wearne says:

    Hi Rod, good to see your work. Perhaps you could let me / us know in your study of Barth, how his personal life may have influenced his interpretation of Scripture regarding family, marriage and the church. It has recently been discussed that Barth had a very long term physical / “love” relationship with his secretary, even moving her into the family home, seemingly on agreement from his wife who was quite ill. it’s hard to imagine such wilful sin did not influence / distort some of his theology.


    1. Gravitaslumen says:

      My thoughts on that are a work in process. Hence the lack of any real deep response. I did cover it here: Albeit briefly. Having read through a good chunk of CD 3:4 so far, I’m not convinced his poor decisions in the relationship context corrupt his theology or its conclusions. It’s clear (to me anyway after reading what I’ve read of 3:4 so far) that Barth wrestled with the Biblical imperatives on marriage, or as he elaborates, marriage is a life partnership; freedom in fellowship; ‘reciprocal co-existence’; vocation; command of God. There are parts where I think Barth’s personal choices do impact his theology; but I think it’s better to state that Barth’s theology impacts his personal choices. Hence he never divorced Nelly – as abusive as he let the situation become. See page 203 of 3:4 as an example. Barth doesn’t defend polygamy, but neither does he encourage it. As Barth would say: don’t follow me, follow Christ. To do the former is to entertain natural theology, which is to betray the latter. Hope this helps. Peace.


    1. Rod says:

      Congrats and thank you. You are a gifted writer Melinda, the nomination is well deserved 🙂 I’ll have a bit more of a look at it tomorrow. God Bless.


  4. Jessica says:

    Are you originally from Australia, Rod? I have a Vietnamese friend who currently lives in Adelaide. It’s a place I’ve always wanted to visit. I will try to stop by your site again soon! (I’d check out more now but it’s 3am here…!) Thank you so much for coming by mine. God Bless 🙂 Jessica


  5. Carroll Boswell says:

    It is encouraging that you are doing this blog. There is so much that is just burdensome in the blogging world and there is not much light. Let me recommend to you Stanley Hauerwas and Dallas Willard. Hauerwas deals with politics and theological ethics from a perspective determined by the patriotism that has corrupted a lot of American theology, so he might not be so relevant to Australian questions. I, on the other hand, have not heard of Jean Elshtain and will do some exploring of my own.


    1. Rod Lampard says:

      Thank you for your comments. I have read a bit of Stanley H. Resident Aliens is one that really helped adjust my political theology. I found that he helped me fine tune the Barthian lens through which I am studying.


      1. Carroll Boswell says:

        I am about to begin Working with Words by Hauerwas, which my wife gave me for my birthday. Let me also recommend The Third Peacock by Robert Farrer Capon. His writing style grates on some people’s nerves, and he is writing mainly for a lay audience, and he says much that I disagree with, but I have never failed to be blessed by his insights.


  6. journeyofjoy says:

    Church History surprisingly became one of my most favored areas of study while in seminary. Before that, I had absolutely no interest in history. It’s amazing what happens when we add God into the equation. Everything begins to make sense. All the best, I like the blog and will continue to check it out!


  7. Sebastian says:

    Hello Rod! I look forward to really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministries I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st because the “just shall live by his faith.” — Sebastian


  8. Jason Goroncy says:

    Wonderful to hear from you! And I’ve heard some great things about Tabor Adelaide over the years. Good to hear of your plans to pursue a masters too. Happy to keep chatting via email. Best, Jason.


    1. Rod says:

      Hi Jason, I’m currently finishing off a double-degree through Tabor Adelaide, my hope is to move from that into a Masters. Thanks for the encouragement.


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